: 67.97 km²
: 12,928
: Seafood risotto
: Flower Exhibition
: Church of San Marco and Venetian villas

About San Stino di Livenza

San Stino di Livenza lies halfway between Portogruaro and San Donà di Piave. The very first traces of the town date all of the way back to Roman times. Remains from that era have been found of a settlement that faced numerous geological problems: its territory ranged from inaccessible zones full of trees and woodland in the North to a lagoon landscape stretching down to the coast, although the latter did have the benefit of allowing the locals to escape from the horrifying barbarian invasion in the 5th century AD. From the 10th century, people began to settle in the inland area again and San Stino Castle was built by the “Da Prata” family, with an urban development all around it. It is a great place for tourists to spend an enjoyable day visiting the nearby architectural marvels. First and foremost among them is the abovementioned 10th century castle, which stands in the heart of the town, concealed by dense, age-old vegetation. The stronghold on the banks of the Livenza River played a key strategic role for many years because the borders of the Republic of Venice, the Patriarchate of Aquileia and the lands of the “Da Camino” family met near San Stino. The castle is now owned by the Tonini family. There are some interesting, beautiful 17th and 18th century villas in San Stino and the nearby villages of Corbolone, Biverone and Sant’Alò. Another sight that should not be missed is the 16th century Church of San Marco Evangelista in Corbolone, which boasts a wealth of distinctive paintings and frescoes. The Panont bird collection is of great cultural interest. 328 specimens of 249 different species are on display in a perfect state of preservation. The majority of them come from San Stino and the surrounding area.